Janice Miles - Birthkeeper/Certified Doula and Educator
Resources & Support
Support and Company for New Parents:
IUP-Single Parents Resource Centre
250 385-1114
Young Parents Support Network
250 384-0052
Intercultural Association 2
50 388-4728
Local Health Units - Public Health Nurses:
Esquimalt 250 519-5311
Peninsula 250 544-2400
Saanich 250 519-5100
Saltspring Island 250 538-4880
Sooke 250 642-5464
Victoria 250 388-2200
West Shore 250 519-3490
Local Health Units - Public Health Nurses:
Are trained to a lesser level than lactation consultants but in most situations can offer excellent support and teaching about breastfeeding.
Call Mothering Touch at 250 595-4905 and we will refer you to a Breastfeeding Educator.
Prenatal Classes:
gentlebirth with Janice miles &
Evidence Based Birth with Janice Miles!
More classes coming in February
Will be posted this Friday December 3rd
Stay Tuned you won't want to miss
You will feel so confident and well prepared, ready to handle anything!!!
Includes Breastfeeding, newborn care, acupressure and so much more!!!
Breastfeeding Support:
Parents-and-Baby Drop-Ins at:
Mothering Touch Centre
250 595-4905
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
250 385-2635
Fairfield Community Place
250 382-4604
Fernwood Community Centre
250 381-1552
James Bay Community Project
250 388-7844
La Leche League
Runs support groups for breastfeeding mothers throughout Greater Victoria. The group leaders are trained in breastfeeding counselling and offer phone support on a volunteer basis. Call 727-4384 for the name and number of a group leader near you.
The Vancouver Island Health Authority
Runs breastfeeding clinics out of the health units. They are staffed by public health nurses trained as lactation consultants.
Call for information as to times and days:
Esquimalt 250 519-5311
Peninsula 250 544-2400
Saanich 250 519-5100
Saltspring Island 250 538-4880
Sooke 250 642-5464
Victoria 250 388-2200
West Shore 250 519-3490
Family Physicians:
We are fortunate in Victoria, to have two Family Physicians who specialize in breastfeeding medicine.
Their services are paid for through the Medical Services Plan. If you have serious breastfeeding-related problems, you can ask your care provider for a referral to see them.
Dr Jennifer Wickens 250 721-1188
Dr Laura Spratt 250 475-2251